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How to Proceed with a Divorce in New York if Your Spouse is Missing


Divorce can be a complex process, especially when one spouse is missing and cannot be located. However, New York law provides avenues to proceed with a divorce even under these challenging circumstances. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate this situation.

Diligent Search Efforts

Initial Steps to Locate Your Spouse

Before the court will allow you to proceed with a divorce, you must make a diligent effort to locate your missing spouse. This includes:

  • Contacting friends, relatives, and acquaintances to inquire about your spouse’s whereabouts.
  • Hiring a private investigator to conduct a thorough search.
  • Checking various databases, such as the United States Postal Service, Department of Motor Vehicles, and military records.

Filing for a Motion for Alternate Service

Documenting Your Efforts

If your search efforts are unsuccessful, you can file a motion for alternate service with the court. This motion must include an affidavit detailing all the steps you have taken to locate your spouse. The court requires this documentation to ensure that you have made a genuine effort to find your spouse.

Service by Publication

If the court is satisfied with your efforts, it will allow you to serve divorce papers through publication. This involves:

  • Publishing a notice of the divorce in a newspaper in the area of your spouse’s last known address.
  • Running the notice once a week for three consecutive weeks.
  • Filing proof of publication with the court.

Proceeding with the Divorce

Default Judgment

Once the notice has been published and if your spouse does not respond within the specified timeframe, you can request a default judgment. This allows the court to grant the divorce in your spouse’s absence. The court can make decisions regarding asset division, spousal support, and child custody based on the information provided.

Important Considerations

Legal and Practical Advice

It’s crucial to understand that while service by publication is legally valid, it might not always be the quickest or most straightforward route. If there’s any chance of locating your spouse through other means, it’s advisable to pursue those avenues first to avoid potential complications later.

Seeking Legal Assistance

Navigating a divorce when your spouse is missing adds complexity to an already challenging process. Consulting with a knowledgeable family law attorney can provide the guidance needed to ensure all legal requirements are met and to help you through each step of the process. For personalized advice and assistance, contact the Law Office of Anthony J. LoPresti at 516-252-0223 or visit our contact page.

Divorcing a missing spouse in New York requires diligent efforts to locate them, thorough documentation of those efforts, and potentially serving divorce papers by publication. While this process can be complex, understanding the steps involved and seeking professional legal guidance can help you successfully navigate this challenging situation and move forward with your life.
